Fighting Smoke by Farad and Charlotte C. Hill
First story posted to the list, and used as an example for sending feedback to authors
C/B/V; Skip Trace; FRM
Birthday in the Life
A day in the life, with a side of dawn, leather, and what's he doing in my -oh.
Raising the Ante by Charlotte C. Hill and Farad
Write a story using the following words and phrase: "map," "wagon," and "I'm not kidding...."
Note: This is a sort of founding story for the version of the Escorts universe that Charlotte and Stan Lee did where Chris and Buck are together. This takes place before JD comes in (those stories were written by Stan Lee and are on the DnF site), and basically explains how the other six got there, even though it's mostly Ezra who is coming in.
C/B, J/V; Escorts; FRAO
August 30-minute timed writing challenge
C/B; Any modern AU; FRM
The differences between the genders
C/B; Any modern AU; FRAO
The Devils You Know
The Sporting Challenge: Write a story where two or more of the guys are participating in a sport or sporting challenge. They could be a baseball team, a cycling team, a basketball team getting ready for a big game (and yes, I *did* just go to a "high school" type story!). They could be getting ready for the intra-teams ATF competition, and fully prepared to breeze along on Vin's shooting skills. They could be playing a pick-up game after work. Note: one of them could accept a challenge and the other(s) could support, bet, etc.
At the Edge of Darkness by Charlotte C. Hill and Farad
November 2009, Choice 1: Participate in Mag7WriMo, NaNoWriMo or mini-NaNo
The foundation story for the Firefly AU "The Margaret May"
C/B, J/V; The Margaret May (Firefly) AU; FRAO
Handle With Care by Farad and Eclipse
January 2009, Choice 2: Finish a WIP
WARNINGS: BDSM, all nice and consensual. Thanks to Dail and all the fine people on WEC who have helped us with several rewrites. They are in no way accountable for anything the readers don't like or disagree with – it is, after all, kink!
J/V, C/B; Escorts; FRAO
Everybody Wins by Artisan447 and Charlotte C. Hill
The Sporting Challenge: Write a story where two or more of the guys are participating in a sport or sporting challenge.
C/B, E/V; AU-Tour de Seven; FRAO
Working Words
February 2011 drabble exercise
Two drabbles from the episode "Working Girls"
C/B; Old West; FRT
Death's Pretty Face
A Halloween 2011 story
C/B, Vin, J.D.; Old West; FRT
Contingency Plans
Written for the Mag7 bingo game, 2011
Tascosa Rules
Answer to Fara's Friday, January 20, 2012 Mag7Daybook prompt: Buck, OW, Why in the hell was Chris offering to go off to Tascosa?
Tag to the episode, One Day Out West
C/B, Vin; Old West; FRM
Thrive by Charlotte C. Hill
May 2012: Two of them are stranded on a desert island.
Chris stranded on a desert island.
C/B; Old West; FRM